People are called human beings while they are living; once they die, they are called souls. After death, the present day is referred to as day-1, and the next day is referred to as day-2. They will burn the dead body on the same day or the next day, depending on the circumstances and people religious practices. Theory says - Even after he has died, this man still feels anguish as he burns.
That is the reason theory says - Do the NITHYA VITHI, The narrative assumes that when the human body burns, the soul requires some water. that is the reason we have to perform nithyavithi.
Two characters in this program - bramman and kartha
- Bramman - iyer / sasthirgal / guru-garu / Brothithar / pandith
- Kartha - Son - He is going to do the religious ceremony for his father.
Nithya vithi required main items
- Granite (கருங்கல்)
- Water ( full bucket water)
- Rice Ball
- Sweet, tiffen
- Stick
- Small ribbon
- Circle share flor clay [oval and circle shape for clay, it is made up of flour ]
- Oval for pathukam ( Slipper )
- circle for chathram ( Umbrallela )
- Sesamum
- Tarba
- Kartha should wear veshti ( At the time of father cremation given veshti / Dothi )
- Shaving Blade ( Ready made shaver )
- Sombu , pancha pathiram, uthirani, thattu
This days (10, 13, 16 )will vary depending on where you live and what region you follow, but the story remains same.
" In brief, it states that the soul does not have a body in the other realm after death. So, for ten days, we must provide food and drink to the soul, also known as - pind daan. These offerings aid in the formation of the body for the soul, allowing it to journey to Yamalok from the 11th day forward for the next year. According to the Garud Puran, it takes one year to reach Yamalok. For the next year, we must continue to perform pind daans at 15-day intervals, as used by the departed spirit to sustain energy levels for the journey's completion. "
- Nithya Vithi - Stone as considered as pretham [ soul ], day 1 to till current day, abhishegam will happen for the stone. this is called nithya vithi, For detail information, please call me.
- Sila abhishegam, vasodhagam, thilothagam [As I previously stated, as we put in burn hence is unable to tolerate heat, hence he need water ]
- Process will start with single stone for 16 days, once 16 days abhishegam completed, then we troduce two more stone, those are shivan and yaman, Yaman is the chief incharger of all souls, and Shivan is his head. Soul final destination is the yamapuri (Yamalogam), Hence we are instroudcing these two characters, In simple and short - Hey Yama - This is my father's soul, which we are sending to your location; please accept this soul; he has completed his mission on Earth.
- Aandha Homam
- Punya vachanam - vinayagar poojai, varuna pooja it is cleaning of your outside body
- Sodasham [ 9+16+6+1 = 32 Leaf, 3+5+6+2 = 16 Leaf ]
- Punyavachanam
- Navasradham - Round 1 [ 9 Leaf ]
- Vrushaurjanam - ( Theory Says - As i dont know, soul will go in east direction or west direction or north direction - but my point is should read the destination without fail, That is why we are sending bul before the soul begins his journey. here bull is the messgener )
- Yegandam (This means that we consider this brahman to be our father, and we are providing all necessary stuff for a year (food, vegetables, clothes, slipper, umbrella, books, vessels etc).)
- The messenger is the bull, and bull already started journey before the soul journey, therefore Yamaloga is now aware that one soul is on its way to Yamapuri.
- Yegandam -->We have almost completed the packing, this packing contains one year's worth of necessities; this soul will take this packing and begin his journey. While braman going outside, you have say - Appa / nanan / dady, yes now father journey started toward yamapuri
- Sodasham - Round 2 [ 16 Leaf ]
- Sapthagam - Round 3 [6 Leaf ]
- Kalakaamuka Visve Devaha
- Matuhu [1 leaf for your mother]
- Pithamahi [1 leaf for your grand mother]
- Pirapithaamahi [1 leaf for your great grand mother]
- Pithu - Pirapithaamahi [1 leaf for your great great grand mother, Note: After sabandee karanam, we are moving out this person from your generation, it mean this name not required any more while you perform tarpanam time. For better clarity please call me]
- Mahavishnu
- Punya vachanam
- Masigam - Round 3 [1 Leaf ]
- Subham
- Grekiyam
- Sodasha process completed