Yagnopa Veetha Dharana Manthra

  1.  Aachamanam.
  2. Shuklaam Baradharam Vishnum, Shashi Varnam Chaturbuhjam, Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaaye, Sarva Vighno Pashaantaye.
  3. Hold both Nostrils with Thumb and the little and third finger of the hands
    and recite the following Manthra:
    1. Om Bhoo
      Om Bhuva
      Ogum Suva
      Om Maha
      Om Jana
      Om Thapa
      Ogum Sathyam ....
  4. Sankalpam
    1. Mamo partha samastha duritha kshaya dwara sri parameshwara
      Sroutha smartha vihitha sadachara nithya karmaanushtanaa yogyatha
      sidhyartham brahma teja abhivrudyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam
      For getting rid of all difficulties and to please lord Parameshwara and also to
      increase the power that comes when one is a Brahmin, I am wearing this new
      sacred thread.
  5. Wear Poonal
    1. Yagnopaveetham paramam pavithram praja pathe, Yat sahajam purasthad aayushyam  Agriyam prathi muncha shubram yagnopaveetham balamasthu theja.
  6. Kamo karshet Japam
  8. After wearing all poonals one by one do Aachamanam
    1. Upaveetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham, visrujami jale
      punarbrahman varcho deergayurasthu me.
      I am removing the old sacred thread which is broken, weak and dirty. Oh God
      grant me long life and light of wisdom.
  9. Do aachamanam.
  10. Pavitra ( 2 pul tarba ) + keep two katta tarba in hands
    1. Deva Rishi
    2. Kanda Rishi
    3. Pitru Tarpanam ( If Father passed )
  11. Remove Pavitram
  12. Perform Aachamanam.
  13. Do kayena vaach mantra




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